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Joseph Franklin "Joe" FIGGINS

No Cover Image
Birth Date: January 13, 1854
Death Date: December 11, 1942
Age at Death: 88
Sex: Male
Cause of Death: Heart ailment


Melissa Damon Figgins - December 18, 1884

at Corning, Iowa.

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Sunset View Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Eagle, Colorado
Mortuary Name: Andre Funeral Home, Eagle, Colorado


Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - December 11, 1942

Joe FIGGINS, an old time citizen of Eagle, passed away at his home here this Friday morning. Funeral arrangements have not been made, and are being held until word is received from children living outside the state.

Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - December 18, 1942

TWO EAGLE-CO. PIONEERS PASS AWAY. Jos. F. FIGGINS, 87, and Tommy COLLINS, 84, answer the call of death the past week.
The past week witnessed the departure from life of two old time residents of this section--Jos. FIGGINS, who died at his home in Eagle Friday morning, Dec. 11, and Tommy COLLINS, who passed away Sunday morning, Dec. 13, in Glenwood Springs.
Joseph Franklin FIGGINS was born Jan. 13, 1854, at Rono, Ind., and departed this life at his home in Eagle, Colorado, Friday, Dec. 11, 1942. He was one of twelve children born to Daniel and Sarah FIGGINS and the last of the family to pass away. He was 88 years old and died of a heart Ailment from which he had suffered many years.
On Dec. 18, 1884, he was united in marriage to Mellissa [sic] DAMON at Corning, Ia. To this union were born eight children. The eldest, a son; a daughter, Pearl; and the youngest child, Ellen, have all preceeded him in death.
April 6, 1906, Mr. FIGGINS and his family moved to Eagle where he engaged in ranching until a few years ago, when ill heath forced him to retire.
Mr. and Mrs. FIGGINS were devoted to each other in their nearly fifty-eight years of married life, and the ties that bound them to their children were very close. Through-out his years of illness he was attended by his three daughters, Lucy, Hester and Sadie, who were at his bedside when the Silent Messenger took him away. Although Mr. FIGGINS and his wife had lived continuously in their Eagle home for the past twenty-five years, they were able through the devotion of their sons, George and Frank, to make trips to the western part of the country. For many years George has remained at home near his parents and caring for them.
Joseph FIGGINS, who was raised in the faith of the Christian church, leaves his widow, Mellissa [sic]; five children--Hester and Sadie of Eagle; Lucy of Palisade; Frank of Portland, Ore; and George of Vancouver, Wash; twelve grandchildren, six great-grandchildren; and a host of friends and neighbors to mourn his passing. He was a cheerful and jolly man, who will be missed by so many friends.
Funeral services for Mr. FIGGINS were held from the Andre Funeral Home in Eagle Sunday afternoon, attended by a large concourse of neighbors and friends, who had known and admired him for more than thirty years. Burial was in the Eagle cemetery, following the services.
