Fannie E Hartson

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Birth Date: August 8, 1885
Death Date: December 17, 1902
Age at Death: 17


Basalt Journal page p 3 - December 20, 1902

The many friends of Miss Fannie Hartson will fq[55 to learn of her death from typhoid pneumonia, which occured last Wednesday. Hartson was lover of any and all who knew her and her death at such an early age is mourned by all
Miss Hartson was just at the age where it seemed she might enter into a most useful life.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Leland at the church. The choir rendered the following selections: Some Sweet Day By ad By," "My Jesus as Though Will" and Asleep in Jesus." The higher grades were dismissed to attend the funeral as Miss Hartson was a member of the high school.
A large crowd attended the funeral and the sympathy of the entire community is extended to the strciken family in their bereavement.
Fannie e. Hartson ws born in Rising City, Neb., Aug 8, 1885, did Dec 17, 1902, age 17 years 4 months and ten days. She was a member of the Eworth League and church choir and was seldom absent from same unless sickness prevented. The sickness lasted tow weeks and three days. She suffereed until death came to take her to the "Beautiful Palace.
following selections : Some Sweel Day By and . By , My Jesus a ; Thou Will and Asleep in Jesus . 1 The higher grades were dismissed to attend the funeral as Miss Hart son was a member of the high school . _• - ¦¦¦ . ¦ . . , A large crowd attended the funeral and the sympathy of the entire community is extended to the slri : ken family in their bereavement . Fannie E . Hartson was born in
Rising City , Neb ., Aug . 8 , 1885, died Dec . 17 . 1902 , age 1 7 years 4 months and ten days . She was a member of the Epworth League and church choir and was seldom absent from same unless sickness prevented . The sickness lasted two weeks and three days. She suffered until death came to take her to the Beautiful Palace . She- told • what * she ¦ saw ,, not made with hands but heaven eternal , Her parents and . friends are comforted by knowing with her It is we !! . - _= ¦¦¦¦ ¦ •¦ , S _>• ¦ ? 5 ; _s -. I : .

