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Thumbnail for 'Mt. of the Holy Cross'
Classic view of the Mt. of the Holy Cross, taken by S. L. Ostermeier from the shelter house on Notch Mountain.
Thumbnail for 'Road through trees'
Photo labeled 283449; verso stamp 4400 Forest road through stands of trees. Automobile tire at far right. In 1927, Dr. Randall led Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls up Notch Mountain to see the cross, a trip considered to be the first "pilgrimage." In 1928, another pilgrimage took place and in 1929, President Hoover established the Mount of the Holy Cross Monument. "All these pilgrimages continued to demonstrate the need for a better approach by road...
Thumbnail for 'Mount of the Holy Cross'
A close-up view of the Mount of the Holy Cross. The photo was printed July 8, 1932.
Thumbnail for 'Cutting trees'
Photo labeled 283456; verso stamp 4400 Three men choosing trees to fell for the road. In 1927, Dr. Randall led Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls up Notch Mountain to see the cross, a trip considered to be the first "pilgrimage." In 1928, another pilgrimage took place and in 1929, President Hoover established the Mount of the Holy Cross Monument. "All these pilgrimages continued to demonstrate the need for a better approach by road or trail. In 1931 Dr....
Thumbnail for 'Don at the peak'
Front: "Donald on top peak H.C. Mt." "My Uncle Don standing at the very top of Mount Holy Cross!" There is a dog right below MacDonald Knight on the peak.
Thumbnail for 'Services at Mt. of the Holy Cross'
Pilgrims listening to services with Mt. of the Holy Cross in the background. Two men face the camera; the one in the lighter suit is Rev. Edmonds.
Thumbnail for 'Rev. Edmonds and his family'
Caption by O.W. Randall: "8. Before Holy Cross, looking at complete circle of Rainbow Circle Falls, Rev. Edmonds & family." Rev. Edmonds and his family pointing at a rainbow.
Thumbnail for 'Tigiwon'
Riders gathering at Tigiwon on their way to Notch Mountain. Dr. O. W. Randall is at center, looking left and wearing glasses. Stamped on back: "Quality BB Print guaranteed not to fade Jul 10 1928"
Thumbnail for 'Spike Doyle and Robert Maloit, Holy Cross Pilgrimage 1928'
Bernard "Spike" Doyle on left and Robert Maloit during the second Holy Cross Pilgrimage (1928). They are at Camp Tigiwon with the large assembly tent and the uncompleted Tigiwon Post Office in the background. The boys were allowed to join the Pilgrimage without being accompanied by an adult. They are standing near Rock Circle, made by the members of the First Pilgrimage by chipping their initials and date on a rock and placing them in this formation....
Thumbnail for 'Holy Cross hikers'
A group of Holy Cross pilgrims posed next to a cairn.
Thumbnail for 'Plateau on Notch Mountain'
Another view of the plateau on Notch Mountain with a clear view of Mount of the Holy Cross in the background.
Thumbnail for 'Mount of the Holy Cross'
Tinted photograph of Mount of the Holy Cross.
Thumbnail for 'Camp Tigiwon'
Caption: "Camp Tigiwon alt. 10,000 ft. Pilgrimage to the Nount of the Holy Cross. V. T. Brown photo, Denver, Colo." 47 "pilgrims," most on horseback, posing in front of the Camp Tigiwon post office. The Post office was established June 5, 1929 and discontinued September 30, 1942 [from Colorado Post Offices 1859-1989, by Bauer, Osment and Willard, 1990].
Thumbnail for 'Creating a road'
Photo labeled 281260; verso stamp 4400 A man driving a tractor is cutting a road through trees. Stacked logs are at left. In 1927, Dr. Randall led Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls up Notch Mountain to see the cross, a trip considered to be the first "pilgrimage." In 1928, another pilgrimage took place and in 1929, President Hoover established the Mount of the Holy Cross Monument. "All these pilgrimages continued to demonstrate the need for a better...
Thumbnail for 'Clarence Jackson Plaque'
Mount of the Holy Cross in the background with the plaque marking the boulder where William H. Jackson photographed his son, Clarence, and George Beam in 1893. That famous photo is part of the Western History Collection of the Denver Public Library [DPL WHJ-10213]. The plaque reads: "Clarence Jackson was photographed on this boulder in 1893 by his father WILLIAM H. JACKSON, who took the very first picture of the cross on August 23, 1873. This...
Thumbnail for 'Notch Mountain'
Caption: "Holy Cross Mt. lies behind the Notch. One trail goes this way, one this way." A photo of Notch Mountain annotated by O. W. Randall, showing the ascents to the top. At the top, Mount of the Holy Cross can be seen.
Thumbnail for 'Mount of the Holy Cross'
Tinted photograph of Mount of the Holy Cross.
Thumbnail for 'O.W. Randall at Tigiwon'
Caption: "X on this picture shows exactly where we built the post office." [in Randall's handwriting] Printing stamp: "Quality BB Print guaranteed not to fade May 23, 1928" O. W. Randall standing in an open area that became the site for the Tigiwon post office. Post office at Tigiwon, Colorado. Located on the way to Notch Mountain trail, it was used to postmark letters for people on pilgrimage to view the Mt. of the Holy Cross. The Post office was...
Thumbnail for 'Fir bough shelters'
Photo labeled 283450; verso stamp 4400 Fir bough shelters with tethering facilities for horses. Possibly used by road building crew or Mount of the Holy Cross pilgrims. In 1927, Dr. Randall led Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls up Notch Mountain to see the cross, a trip considered to be the first "pilgrimage." In 1928, another pilgrimage took place and in 1929, President Hoover established the Mount of the Holy Cross Monument. "All these pilgrimages...

20. Tigiwon

Thumbnail for 'Tigiwon'
At the Tigiwon camp, men cooking and gathering wood. Caption by O. W. Randall: "We had a trout dinner all ready for them when they got to Tigiwon. It was a perfect day and they sure enjoyed the trip." Stamped on back: "Quality BB Print guaranteed not to fade Jul 10 1928"