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William B. "Bill" Lucksinger

No Cover Image
Birth Date: September 8, 1896
Death Date: August 26, 1946
Age at Death: 51

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Fairview Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Basalt, Colorado


Eagle Valley Enterprise - August 30, 1946

BILL LUCKSINGER OF BASALT DIES OF BURNS. Fatally Injured In His Home Sunday From Explosion of Kitchen Range--Died in Glenwood Monday.
William LUCKSINGER, prominent Basalt man and a pioneer of the Roaring Fork valley, died in Hopkins' hospital in Glenwood on Monday from burns received the day previous in his Basalt home.
The tragedy occurred Sunday when Mr. LUCKSINGER applied a distillate to a smouldering fire in the kitchen range in his home, with the resulting blast that threw him across the room and set fire to the kitchen. Windows and doors in the room were blown out by the blast. Mr. LUCKSINGER was critically burned about the face and upper part of his body. He was taken to Hopkins' hospital, where little hope for his recovery was given his family. Death came the following day.
His mother, Mrs. Christine LUCKSINGER, with whom he made his home, and his brother, Carl, were also burned when they came to his rescue, although not seriously. Some damage was done to the kitchen from the resulting fire.
Funeral services were held for Mr. LUCKSINGER in Basalt Thursday afternoon. A number from Eagle and Gypsum attended the funeral services.
William B. LUCKSINGER, son of Jacob and Christine LUCKSINGER, was born Sept. 8, 1896, at Basalt, Colo. His father and three brothers preceded him in death.
Bill attended Basalt schools and grew to manhood in that community.
He enlisted in service in World War I April 10, 1918, serving in Battery C, of the 49th artillery corps. He served seven months overseas and received his honorable discharge from service March 26, 1919.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Christine LUCKSINGER of Basalt; four brothers--Jake, George, and Raymond, all of Basalt, and Carl of Carbondale, Colo.; two sisters--Mrs. Elsie BAXTER of Salter, Colo., and Mrs. Agnes BREVIK of Far Oaks, Calif.
Also left to mourn are John C. GENNER of Basalt, and Mrs. Louise SHOEMAKER of Denver, and eight nieces, one nephew and three grandnieces.

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel page 8 - August 27, 1946
