Nancy Frances (Bridge) Goodrich

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Birth Date: 1858
Death Date: August 25, 1930
Age at Death: 71


Eagle Valley Enterpirse page page 1 - August 29, 1930

Mrs . Frances B . Goodrich passed uwuy Monday morning , August 23 , atj about 4 : 30 o clock . The ( loc . isod had been confined to her homo by illness tor soveral weeks , but slut would not admit that she was seriously ill ami had refused to go to a hospital for carev But Saturday neighbors insisted that . she bo taken to the hospital and was moied to Glenwood that day passing away only a tew hours later . Mrs . Goodrich had been a rosldent ot Eagle tor more than thirty yours , coming hero from Indiana for her health , and , when that was regained , remained her 0 to make her homo . During thoso _ yeara she has boeu prominent In the soclil affairs of the community , and numbered nor friends by the hundred . She was -1 member of tho Episcopalian church and Eastern Star chapter at Glenwood Springs , and was vary
prominent In tho activities of both thoso organisations . Funeral services were hold undor auspices of the Glenwood Eastern Star chapter Wednesday morning at the , Forrnim Funeral Homo . After the services at Glenwood thei funeral cortege moved to Red Cliff where a brlof service wan held nt tho grave as tho body wan laid to rest bosldo that of her husband , who passed < on many yearn ago . The deceased wan about 71 years of age . Tho funoral services In Olenwood as well as tho burial In Rod Cliff , wa , attended by a considerable number of friends of the decoased from Eagle . The doeeesied is survived by her mother , Mrs . Mary Bridge , tho only near rolatlve living , and who has , made Tier hom P with her daughter for the . pa

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel page 7 - SEC-3 - August 31, 1930


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