Harvery Skiff

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Death Date: August 13, 1955




Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - August 18, 1955


Harve Skiff 69, a prominent Gypsum Valley rancher died in a Glenwood hospital 12 hours after a farm accident on his place two miles south of Gypsum Aug. 13. Mr Skiff was working with his grandson, Charles Hayes, early Saiturday morning, in the hay harvest, when a cable broke and a haystacker fell on him. He was given emergency treatment by Dr W C Huyler of Brush Creek and taken to Porter Hospital in Glenwood, where he died early Saturday evening. Mr. Skiff lived his entire life in Eagle County, coming to Gypsum when ha was six months old with his paferuts. William 'and Dell Skiff, who were prominent in early day development of the Gypsum valley area- He was born April 24, 1869 in Michigan. Mr Skiff’s parents at one time owned a major portion of the town of Gypsum, building the first hotel there. He was united in marriage Ito Hazel (Machin in Glenwood Dec2, 1909 'and during the first year of 'their marriage they farmed at the head of Gypsum Valley, then moved to Eagle where he operated a 'blacksmith shop in the Peter Stein building for two years. They returned to Gypsum where for the following seven vears they farmed on the old Henderson ranch, then bo'Uight a ranch two miles from town, ?where they have lived for the past 34 years- During that time his interest in the livestock: industry led to his election to the chairmanship of the Gypsum Valley Cattlegrowers Association and to the Forest Service Advisory Board. He is survived by his wifeHazel; two daughters, Blanche I Wilds of Palisade a*s, a grandson. I had made his home with Mr and . Mrs Skiff since infancy. | A son, Harold David, died in i infancy and Mr Skiff was also preceded in death by his parents and two brothers. The Bowman Funeral Chapel in Eagle was in charge of funeral arrangements. Services were held in the Community Methodist Church in Gypsum, August 16, directed by Rev- Byron Hasstedt- Mrs. Dorothy Gerard was vocalist at the service, accompanied by Mrs Roberta Combs at the piano. Pallberaer were Paul Schultz, Virgil Williams, L. E Nolan, Lloyd Gerard, Hex Mayne and Bill Gordon-

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel page 13 - August 14, 1955
