​All Eagle Valley Library District locations will be closed Monday, September 23 for a Staff In-service day. Regular library hours will resume Tuesday, September 24.

Maude Leona (LeWright) Bearden

Image of Maude Bearden
Birth Date: January 11, 1886
Death Date: November 3, 1933
Age at Death: 57


Roland J. Beardon - November 16, 1905

in Enid, Oklahoma

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Rosebud Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Mortuary Name: O. W. Meyer


Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - November 10, 1933

News of the death last Friday, November 3, 1933, of Mrs. R. J. BEARDEN, at hospital in Salida, was received in Eagle county with a great sadness. Mrs. BEARDON was one of the most popular, likable women of the Squaw creek and Edwards community and neighbors were sorely grieved to learn of her death.
The deceased lady had been in failing health for several months and a few weeks ago her husband took her to a hospital in Glenwood, where she failed to respond to treatment.
About a week before her death Mrs. BEARDON returned home, and on her continued decline was removed to Salida, where an emergency operation was performed from which she failed to recover.
Maude Leona LEWRIGHT was born near Litchfield, Ill., January 11, 1886, where she resided until in 1900 when she accompanied her parents when they moved to Ames, Okla. On November 16, 1905, she was united in marriage to Roland J. BEARDON in Enid, Okla. To this union were born three sons, Raymond, Ellis and Elton, all living. In 1915, the family moved to Colorado and settled on Squaw creek, where they have since lived and prospered. During the years she had lived in Eagle county Mrs. BEARDON had formed many friendships, and was beloved by all as a splendid neighbor and a woman of high character.
The deceased is survived by the husband and the three sons, all living on the Squaw creek ranch; her mother, Mrs. Amanda LUCKEY, and one sister, Mrs. Mary HENRY, both of Desmoines, N. M., and who were at the deceased's beside when death came; a brother, John LEWRIGHT, of Arnett, Okla.
Funeral services held at the Edwards school house Monday morning in charge of Funeral Director O. W. Meyer, were attended by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors from up and down the Eagle valley. Dr. T. B. McDIVITT of the Eagle Methodist Episcopal church, delivered a splendid funeral discourse, a mixed quartet, consisting of Mesdames R. R. CRIE, Edward McHATTON, and Messrs. Melvin EATON and Alvin WEBB sang three hymns during the service. Following the services at the school house the funeral cortege moved to Glenwood Springs, where burial was made.
The bereaved family have the most sincere sympathy of hundreds of friends in the loss of their beloved wife and mother.
