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Patrick "Pat" Tague

Image of Patrick Tague
Death Date: February 16, 1911
Age at Death: 64
Sex: M


Lydia Berkley Tague - 1889

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Greenwood Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Red Cliff, Colorado


Eagle County Blade page 1 - February 17, 1911

Judge Pat TAGUE died at 3 o'clock Friday morning at his home in Red Cliff of pulmonary trouble, after a protracted illness.
Judge TAGUE was born in Pennsylvania and was a pioneer in Red Cliff, having served as county judge three terms and as a district clerk for twelve years. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. The date of the funeral has not been decided upon at this time, but it will be in charge of the Masons, Judge TAGUE having been a member of the Minturn lodge of that order.
As a good citizen Judge TAGUE will be missed for many years to come, especially by the old timers of Eagle county who had come to know him in his official capacity where efficiency, honesty and unfailing courtesy marked his every relation to the public.

Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - February 17, 1911

JUDGE P. TAGUE PASSES AWAY. Expires at his home in Red Cliff after long illness from asthma and lung trouble.
County Judge Patrick TAGUE died on Thursday, Feb. 16, 1911 at his residence in Red Cliff. Mr. TAGUE was in the 64th year of his age having been born in Pennsylvania. The internment [sic] will occur in Red Cliff Sunday February 19.
Mr. TAGUE came to Colorado and settled in Red Cliff a number of years ago for the benefit of his health, being afflicted with asthma and lung trouble. He worked in the coal mines in Pennsylvania during the early part of his life.
The testimony of all whom Mr. TAGUE has come in contact is that this pioneer who lived to make others happy and who counted his friends by his acquaintance lived a good life. He lived his span, and more, yet it must be said that we record his passing to a a rest well deserved, and to a reward richly earned.
Mr. TAGUE served several terms as county judge and was re-elected to the office last fall.
He leaves a wife, two sons, and three daughters to mourn his loss.
