​All Eagle Valley Library District locations will be closed Monday, September 23 for a Staff In-service day. Regular library hours will resume Tuesday, September 24.

Willliam J. "Billy" McBreen, Jr.

No Cover Image
Birth Date: July 19, 1934
Death Date: September 1955
Age at Death: 21
Sex: M

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Riverview Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Minturn, Colorado


Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - September 15, 1955

Funeral services for William J. McBREEN, Jr. were held at St. Patrick's Church in Minturn the morning of September 12. Father Joseph LEBERER sang the Mass of the Angels, assisted by St. Patrick's Choir.
Pall bearers were Wm. MURRAY, Harvey STITT, James McBREEN, Thomas McBREEN, Bernard McBREEN and John W. DOYLE.
Billy McBREEN was born July 19, 1934 at Minturn.
An invalid from babyhood, he endeared himself to the neighbors with his ready smile and cheerful disposition, his patient suffering.
He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McBREEN; his grandmother, Mrs. George MURRAY of Leadville and numerous uncles and aunts.
Relatives and friends from out of town attending the funeral service were Mrs. MURRAY, Wm. MURRAY, Catherine MURRAY and Mrs. Mart CASSIDY, Mr. and Mrs. John DOYLE, Mrs. Margaret LEWIS, Mrs. Rose BOWEN, Mrs. Clara MARTIN, Mrs. ANNIE BRANNEN, Mrs. A. D. GROVES, Alice SCHROEDER, all of Leadville; Mrs. Katherine MACK, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McGREEN and Colleen of Glenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey STITT and son James, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan and Mrs. Wm. DAYTON of Denver and Mr. and Mrs. Tom MULVANEY and Nancy of Salida.
