Byron Taggart "Tag" Edwards

Image of Byron Edwards
Birth Date: October 4, 1937
Death Date: September 27, 2017
Age at Death: 79
Veteran Of: United States Marines


Francoise Nguyen


Vail Daily page A11 - October 6, 2017

Byron Taggart "Tag" Edwards was born in Sydney, Australia, on Oct. 4, 1937. He passed away on Sept. 27, 2017, at home in New Jersey in the loving care of Francoise, his wife of 39 years.

Tag's passion for life was the love of wide-open spaces and his cottage at Henderson Harbor, New York. His heart always returned here to fish and dine with his family.

He was an inveterate storyteller. He thrilled at adventure. His tales, including days as a Marine, delighted all. He and Francoise spent time each year in Vail challenging the slopes at terrifying speed. He raced Formula Ford II cars, as his nail-biting friends watched aghast from the grandstand.

Tag's career was devoted to the paper and pulp industry. At the time of Tag's retirement, he was executive vice president for Champion's vast forestlands and pulp production.

During his retirement, he was invariably seen hitting the road with Francoise, who soon came to outshoot Tag, for duck, pheasant and partridge. He loved Key West and the pursuit of the grand slam of tarpon, permit and bonefish. Tag's interests had few limits, ranging from Kipling, much of which he could recite from memory, to the collection of Meissen and Vietnamese porcelain.

Generous in countless ways, Tag leaves behind his wife, Francoise Nguyen; his daughter, Alison Curwen; his sister, Josephine Bullard; his brother, Marcus Rice; his grandchildren Darcy, Tag and Stapley; numerous nieces and nephews and his cherished dog, Xa.
