Marcella A. (Leonard) Olmstead

No Cover Image
Birth Date: July 13, 1869
Death Date: April 9, 1904


G. E. Olmstead - September 24, 1899

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Greenwood
Cemetery Location: Red Cliff, CO


Eagle County Blade page 8 - April 21, 1904

Death of Mrs . G . E. Olmstead. This community is . greatly saddened by the untimely death at an eariy hou on Tuesday morning . April 19 th, 1904, of Mrs . G . E , Olmstead of this place. Mrs Olmstead had been ill but about te _: days . As announced briefly in . I hes < columns last week , on the 13 th sbe . undorwpntjcin opaiatio 11 as a . lust resortin the hope of saving her life , which wa ; imperiled by a rupture _ of a vory serious nature . For a time hur _eonditinn inproved , but later peritonitis dsveloped _iindthc best medical skill together with the care of kind friends were without avail . After intense suffering the nsti _inableliidy passed peacefully away siir- ¦ ouncled by her relatives , friends and _spiritual advisor at 1 : 30 o clock . Tuesday

morning .. , ... . Mrs . Olmstead was a beneficiary mem berof Kinnikinick Circle No . 453 , Women of Woodcraft , oC which she held the position of guardian neighbor at the time of her death . She was also a member nf the Emerson Circle , of Hed Cliff , and ia both of these organizations she was si devoted worker . _^ _Mrs . Olmstcad was of an uncommonly loving and lova ble disposition and her friends , especially in the tivo societies to which sho belong ; ed , are well ni « h prostrated with grief . Besides the bereaved ] husimuO its do ceased Ieave 3 a ; brigb . t baby daughter Louise , aged three years . - ., ¦ . ., 1 Harcella A . Leonard was . born July 13 th , 18 C 9 , on Prince Edward s Island , _Cauadu . In the fall of 1898 sbo camo to Red Cliff , and on September 24 th , 1899 . was married to G . E . Olmstead . Mis . M . A r . Walsh of Red Cliff is a sister , two

oilier sustera reside on Prince _Edivard _ < Island , one in Massachusetts , and one al Winnepeg , British Columbia . A ; brother , Frank Leonard , diod a few years ago and is buried ut Greenwood cemetery , this plane . . , ¦ . r ¦ ; .. , ; . _; . • . - . The funeral occurred this morning at 10 o clock at the Catholic church , Father Fragel of BrecUenridgo conducting $ ho services . _Kinnikiniek Circle , with _sovon . members of Mintiirn Cirelo , Women of Wooderaft , attended in a body , and _tha burial services of the ordor woro rendered at tho _gravo . Despito tho inclomont _wenther a largo crowd _attonded the funoval and thero was 11 profusion of llo wcrs in many himdsomo designs , - from both the Boeietios to which demited bolonged and from friends . In his address Father JVugcl paid a very , worthy and touching tribute , to Iho _higU ehnracter unrt _niiiny virtues of tho _. dopiirtocl , 0110 . [ iiterinent wiih at Grmnnvond coinotory .

Eagle County Blade page 5 - September 29, 1904

Unveiling Ceremony.
Monuments have been erected in Greenwood cemetery, at Rid Cliff , by the Head Circle , Women of Woodfraft over the graves of Marcella A. Olmstead and Mrs Nette Y. Nelson, deceased membes of the order.
Mrs. Olstead was a member of Kinikinick Circle No . 4515 of Red Cliff, and Mrs. Nelson was a member of the Holly Cross Circle No. 1 , of Minturn. The monuments will be unveiled on next Sunday by the two circles of tho order, with ceremonies of the orders the exercises to be hled at the cemetery at 2 o"clock in the afternoon, unless the delay of the train from the west should cause a change in teh hour. Tho prounnHlon will form at tho town lial I and tho i ; ltlzoiiH aro invltod to attond tho coromony ,

Eagle County Times page 1 - April 23, 1904


A Happy Home Darkened by the Hand of the Grim Reaper . ol

On Sunday , the 10 th of April , Mrs G . B . Olmstead- was taken ill . Dr . Gil pin was called 1 in , but . her conditior growing worse , Dr . ffotopn of Glenwood was summoned and decided 1 that an operation was necessary . The operation was pronounced a successful one and the patient seemed to be getting along nicely until Sunday evening last , when she complained of intense pain and grew weaker rapidly . The physicians held out no hopes for her recovery and . on Monday the patient seemed to realize that death was Imminent . She requested that a priest . )« . summoned and Fullicr _lYai r . l of _Breekenrldge responded , administe

ins tho last rites of the Catholic Church on Monday night . Several times Monday Mrs . Olm stead referred to her death , asking hoi sister to be good to Louise , .. her little _datighter and only child , who is just three years old . About G o clock she took leave of Louise , straining her to her heart as if she could not give her up , and asking her to be a good girl . At 1 : 30 a . m . she expired In the arras of . her husband and surrounded by her sister and intimate friends . Five and a half years ago the deceased , who was then Marcella Leonard , came to Red Cliff on a visit to tier sister , Mrs . 11 : A . Walsh . Her home had been on Prince Edward Isl- : nd , where she kept house for a brother who died and was buried hereabout

three years ago . Four and- a half years ago Marcello was _marrlsd to G . E . Olmstead , whe was and is engaged in mining here Ivir . Olmstead : built a beautiful little homo on one of the prettiest spots in Red Cliff , where the trees , the rivet and the overhanging cliffs , the flowei beds in summer and the songs of the birds all combined tn ., make of this an ideal home . And- within the homo a loving , Idolized wife reigned supreme , and when a little daughter came , a happiness as of Eden was hero , and because of this the loneliness of that home appeals most forcibly to all of us . Mrs . Olmstead was a great favorite in all social life here , being a member _Df the Emerson Circle , the Reading 2 i u | j , the Kinnikinnlck Circle , Women _> f Woodcraft , the Book Club and tho Dramatic Club . She was a faithful member of all , Hid will bo greatly mlssod . The funeral took place Thursday

morning , the Emerson and Women Woodcratt Circles as a guard of lionor escorting tho remains from the house to the Catholic Church , tlio following gentlemen acting as pall bearers : Messrs . James Collins , Hank Gladwin , John Fleming , Frank Farnniun , JaH . lStiw _nnil Jolm _tMcOotniiil . After mass at the church and a disiionrso liy Father Frugal in wliidi lie touched upon the exemplary life of the decesed , i rlonds took a last look at the white-robed form that seemed to have fallen asleep amongst tho flowers . Tho procession then wended Its way

to tho cemetery , the casket being , ered lo its last resting place welghtet with llowers . The beautiful buriaj service of the Women of Woodcraft lodge was held over the remains . The lloral tributes were most beautiful . From the Emerson Circle Reading Club a pillow , and resting thereon a broken circle , all in purple and white . From the Kinnikinnick Circle , Women of Woodcraft , Red Cliff , an anchor with log and axe ; colors , green , white and 1 red 1 . Mount of Holy . Cross Circle No . 135 of Minturn . a beautiful cross in green , red and white . \ The Dramatic Club , , a beautiful

cross . Messrs . II . W . Smith and Join Baldwin of Glenwood , a ueautifu large wreath in pink . From Mrs . B . Garman- of _L-oadvill < a wreath of white roses . Besides these there were emhlems wreathes , bouquets and cut flowen from numberless other friends . The Zuiieral was in charge of Undertaker W . H . Thomas . To the sorrowing husband , _slstei and other relatives Tlie Times extends slncerest swmpathy . Those- ; present -from- Minturn wcr . _ ; _Memlnmos Marion Henry , C . _Jiottalftmii , Lei ) . McGovern , O . Stiunin _, A , M . Keck , C . I / . Shoi . _k , Ktllth PeltB , nnd _Missen Carrio Keck and Grace _Inprnni . From Gllman : Mr . and Mrs . Charles Baldanf , Mr . and 1 Mrs . John Forest ; Mesdames Will Howard , Tom Gllraor , Frank Dumas ; Messrs . P . F . Maroney , Henry Martin , Charles Bagge . MiH . J . R .. Dunn anil daughter Mae , Blenwood ; Mrs , C . S . Lumloy , Eaglo ; Mrs , Eli Yoder , _Pahrto ; Mrs . B . Garnan , Loadville ; Mr , . 7 , Baldwin , Glonyood ; Mr . and- Mrs . Dan McLeod , _Cleveland ; Mr . and Mrs . Hiram 3 anlts , Cleveland .
