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Robert Reed

No Cover Image
Birth Date: May 29, 1859
Death Date: September 18, 1930

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Rosebud
Cemetery Location: Glenwood Springs, Colorado


Eagle Valley Enterpirse page 1 - October 4, 1930


Bob Reed Suceombs To Paralytic Stroke—Was One -of Earliest of Frying Pan and Aspen Settlers . Another one of the old-timers of Eagle county passed away September 18 , 1930 , when Robert Pveed died in a Glenwood hospital following a paralytic stroke . Robert Reed was born at Wallace Bay , Cumberland county , Nova Scotia , May 29 , 1859 . He came to Aspen , Colo ., In 1884 , soon after locating near Reudi , on the Frying Pan river , and engaged in the lumber bu 3 inea 3 , for years owning a saw mill at what was known as Reed s station on the Midland railroad . The past years he has resided on the farm near Reudi , where he first located In the eighties , and was one of the most highly respected citizens and be 3 t neighbors of that community About a year ago he suffered a

paralytic stroke , from which he had not fully recovered when the second and fatal attack came about ten days before hi 3 death . Many years ago Mr . Reed farmed on Brush creek , living there for a short while , on the ranch now owned by Hans Larsen . Funeral services were held from the Burdge mortuary in Glenwood Springs , Sunday afternoon , September 21 , Rev . B . A . Besslre , pastor of the Glenwood Methodist church , conducting the services , The funeral was attended by many of his old neighbors from the Frying Pan and other parts of the county and state . Ho was one of eight children , of whom his brother , Alex Reed , was at his bed side all during his illness and at the time of his death . Interment was made in the cemetery at Glenwood Springs .
