Josephine Root

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Age at Death: infant


Holy Cross Trail page 1 - July 18, 1925

Two Babes Lose Lives in Burning Homestead

One of the most distressing accidents ever to have occurred in this district was the burninpr of the home of Frank Root, on Lake creek five miles above Edwards Sunday morn in jr, in which two small children, Melvin aged three years and four months, Josephine, aged sixteen months of Mrs. Marie Carlson lost their lives. Mrn. Carlson who is a sister of Mr- Root, and kept house for him, had gone' to the lettuce field where he was working? leaving? the babes asleep in bf»d. Looking back a few minutes after leaving the house she discovered flames jsuine: from the building 1 . Refore anyone could roach the structure it was enveloped in flame and thev could onlv stand by, helpless witnesses fo the tragedy. A defective flue is thouKht to have been responsible for the disaster.

As scon as the flames died out search was started for the lefhains of the unfortunate child ren but it was not unv\ Tuesday, when the ashes were thoroughly cooled, that the little bones were uncovered. Carlson is a granddaughter of Dan McCarthy of Carbondale.—lhe Glen wood Avalanche.
