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John Smith

No Cover Image
Death Date: May 1927
Age at Death: 70

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: the potters field at Red Cliff
Cemetery Location: Red Cliff, CO


Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - May 20, 1927


Walking From Pando To Red Cliff John Smith Falls To See Or Hear Approaching Locomotive . John Smith , an old timer of Pando of several years back , in walking irom Pando to Red Cliff on the railroad ( track , was struck by No . 2 helper locomotive on its return down the hill at the water tank Just below Pando . A heavy freight coming up on the east bound track at the time attracted , his attention and he did not notice the engine coming down . Holt Smith or H . L . Hewlett , the engineer and fireman of the locomotive neither one saw the man on the track . Tho fireman at the time being busy working the injector . At the place of the accident , there Is a sharp curve in the road , which bars the engineer on a large mallet locomotive seeing ahrv-. d . At the coroners inquest the man s identity could not be determined , but was afterward made certain by Win . Mollard of Pando and Oscar Meyer of Red Cliff . There is no question aa to his identity . The man has no known relatives . The coroner s jury exonerated all parties irom blame . Smith s body was Interred in tbe potters field at Red Cliff Wednesday . May 11 . The man was between 60 and 70 years of age . —Holy Cross Trail .
