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William Pulsiver Taylor

No Cover Image
Birth Date: April 6, 1853
Death Date: March 28, 1930


Margaret Parker - 1886

Burial Details

Cemetery Name: Evergreen
Cemetery Location: Leadville, CO


Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - April 4, 1930


William P Taylor passed away In the hospital at Giiman Friday , March 28 , after an Illness ot two days . Mr . traylor was an old timer , coming to Red Cllff about twenty-two years ago. William Pulsiver Taylor was born in Maine, April 6, 1858. His family I soon afterward moved to Halifax , ! Nova Scota , where he grew to man-1 hood in a large family ot brothers and sisters . When but a young man , he cams to Colorado , living in Leadville during the big boom , and afterwards going to Georgetown , where he, married Margaret Parket, in 1886. To this union were born two children , who lived but a short time . After the death of his wife he left Georgetown, and spent several years around Breckinridge, Leadville and Alma , coming to Red Cliff in 1908 . Since then Red Cllff has been his home. His genial nature had won him many friends . For several years he had been janitor at the school and will be missed by every child . They all loved him and he was their friend , talked over ther little troubles and Joys with Bill , as they all called him , and always found a sympathetic listener In him . The Leadville Elks Lodge No . 235 , of which Mr . Taylor was a member , came to Red Cliff and took charge of the funeral , which was held from the Presbyterian church In Red Cliff Tuesday , April 11 . At the funeral ser- ¦ vice Mrs . Norland and Mrs . Cleary sang the Following songs : Beautiful isle of Somewhere . Rock of Ages . I The Vac nit Chair . Beautiful flowers covered the casket , and a largo attendance of friends follow Wm. Taylor to his last resting place In I Evergreen cemetery .
