Effie Waller

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Death Date: April 2, 1953
Sex: F


Eagle Valley Enterprise - April 2, 1953

Mrs. Effie Waller, mother of Roy Peate of Wolcott, and a former resident of Wolcott, was critically burned in a gas explosion Tuesday at her Denver apartment at 1021 Ogden St.

Reports received here were that the blast was set off by a lighted cigarette after Mrs. Waller had opened all gas jets on the stove in her apartment.

A $2000 blaze resulted in which the apartment and contents were virtually destroyed.

Mrs. Waller was taken to Denver General Hospital with burns over the upper part of her body, and her condition was reported as critical.

Deputy Chief of the Denver Fire Prevention Bureau said he found all gas burners in the apartment open. The gas stove vent had been stuffed with a cloth and paper had been chinked in cracks around the apartment doors.

A neighbor in the apartment building heard the blast and ran upstairs. He forced his way into the apartment and found Mrs. Waller slumped against a couch in her living room.

As we go to press, word was received that Mrs. Waller died today, from burns incurred in the explosion. Her body will be brought to Bowman Mortuary in Eagle.

Other than her son, Mrs. Peate is survived by a sister, Mrs. Chas Hartman of Denver.
