Seth Emerson Wells

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Birth Date: September 24, 1889
Death Date: February 4, 1950
Age at Death: 60
Sex: Male


Eagle Valley Enterprise - March 2, 1950

Seth Emerson Wells was born in Rogers, Tex. Sept. 24, 1889, a son of Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Jane Graham Wells, and passed away at the Gilman hospital Feb. 4, 1950 at the age of 60 years. He had been ill only three days.

Mr. Wells started his career in life as cashier for Fred Harvey, Inc. in 1908 at Sommerville, Tex. He was united in marriage to Miss Edna May Null of St. Louis, Mo., on Feb. 22, 1912 at Sommerville, and to this union was born one child, Doris Loraine, who now resides in Dragerton, Utah.

Mr. Wells continued as manager for Fred Harvey until 1920, when he entered the employ of the Van Nuy Interstate Company in the capacity as manager until 1922, and worked as general manager of the Mahon Auditing Company of Amarillo until 1925 when he joined the Rio Grande Railroad in Denver as dining car steward and relief manager. He managed the Minturn House in 1929 and returned in 1930 for another year. In 1939 he and Mrs. Wells returned to Minturn and remained there until the time of his death, at which time he was managing Jeff's Cafe in Minturn.

He leaves to mourn his loss his wife Edna, and his daughter, Doris, two sisters, Dr. Cora V. Wells of Rogers, Tex., Miss Alzada Wells of Dallas, Tex.; three brothers, Charles Jaspar of Temple, Tex., Benjamin Timothy of Plainview, Tex., and Floyd Luke of Slaton, Tex.

Services were held in Minturn on Feb. 9 with services also in Rogers, Tex. Feb. 12, where he was laid to rest beside his parents in the family plot.

Eagle Valley Enterprise page 1 - February 9, 1950

Seth E. Wells, Minturn resident, died in the Gilman Hospital Saturday, February 4, after an illness of but a few days.

Mr. Wells had been in the employ of the Dining Department of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company since 1925, and came to Minturn in 1931, where he was employed at the Eagle River Hotel. He also operated several restaurants in Minturn, and at the time of his death, was managing Jeff's Cafe.

Mr. Wells, well known among the railroad men, had been in poor health for several months.

He was born September 24, 1889, at Rogers, Texas and leaves to mourn his passing, his wife Edna, daughter Mrs. Doris Loraine Bishop, son-in-law and three grandchildren. Two sisters, Dr. Cora Wells and Miss Rosa Alzada Wells; three brothers, Charles Jaspar, Benjamin Timothy and Floyd Luke Wells all of Rogers, Texas besides a host of friends.

Funeral services will be held at three o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church at Minturn and Interment will be at Rogers, Monahan, O'malia Mortuary of Leadville have charge of the funeral arrangements.

Mrs. W.C. Null and niece, Mrs. Lillian Canter of St. Louis, Mo., arrived Monday for the funeral.
