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John William Trammell

Image of John Trammell
Birth Date: April 2, 1933
Death Date: December 22, 2021
Age at Death: 88
Veteran Of: US Navy


Mary Alice Trammell


The Daily Sentinel page 6A - December 22, 2022

John William Trammell
was born April 2, 1933 in
Paducah, Kentucky. He
passed away a year ago,
Dec. 22, 2021.
He is survived by his two
daughters, Melissa and
Laura Trammell, two grandchildren, Adam Wrzeski
and Elise Keller and four great-grandchildren. We all
miss him far beyond the words to describe the sorrow
of losing him.
It is equally difficult to describe the man; who he was
beyond his many experiences and accomplishments.
He was the most loving husband to our darling mother,
Mary Alice Trammell. Their love story of over 60 years
was the most beautiful and the strongest ever. He was
such a loving father who cherished his daughters, taught
us to camp, hunt and fish, and to love classical music
and most importantly, the wonder and joy of nature and
of science.
Dad was what they call a “renaissance man.” A scholar,
Dad had his PhD in Geology; as an artist, an absolutely
amazing photographer; an adventurer - a Navy pilot
who did some carrier landings; and so much more. We
used to tease him, calling him “The Most Interesting
Man in the World”...and he was. It would be easier to
list the countries he didn’t travel to rather than the ones
he did. Dad had a wit so dry that much of the time we
couldn’t even tell if he was making a joke or not, we had
to ask him to say ‘heh heh’ so we’d know he was joking.
Hearing just a few bars of a piece of classical music, he
could identify the piece and the composer and tell you
the biography of the composer. He knew all about wine,
and wildlife. Dad’s love of nature included his decades
of volunteer environmental work.
Most of his friends in Grand Junction will remember
his long commitment to Trout Unlimited and Grand
Valley Anglers. But all of this falls short of describing
John William Trammell. One year later, we miss him,
and Mom, so terribly and we always will.


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