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Death Date: July 2, 2002
Age at Death: 70




Grand Junction Daily Sentinel page 8B - July 5, 2002

Vail Daily page A8 - July 4, 2002

With his wife, Jane, at his side, Pastor Danny I. Bohall died at La Villa Grande Care center in Grand Junction on Tuesday. He was 71 years old.

Bohall served in the US military for 16 years. He received his ordination in March of 1987 in Baton Rogue, LA. "Pastor Dan": and Jane Bohall moved to the Eagle Valley in 19899. He is provably most remembered as the pastor of the McCoy Communmity Church, where he preached for four years. Friends say he touched the hearts and lives of many people throughout the community.

"What a blessing to see someone that is steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the Lord," said Pastor Tommy Schneider of Calvary Chapel Vail Valley Church.

Two years ago, the Bohalls moved to Grand Junction becuase of his many health issues. On June 20, they celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary. Jane's sister, Esther Kemp, threw a surprise party for them at the care center where he was staying. Many friends and members of their local church family in Grand Junction attended.

Memorial servies will be held Saturday at 11 AM at the Heritage Church in Grand Junction.


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