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No Cover Image
Death Date: November 1, 1936
Age at Death: 89
Veteran Of: Civil War veteran


Eagle Valley Enterprise page page 1 - November 27, 1936

Samuel Cramer of Montrose , Colo ., passed away at his home in that city Thursday , November 5 . He had been in failing health for sometime . His aged body junt gradually wearing out from the effect of time . On Tuestay he was able to mark his ballot and cast it under the provisions of the voting law accorded to those unable to leave home by reason of illness . He was 89 years old last April . Samuel Cramer was one of the few surviving civil war vtterans . When he came to Montroiie in 1915 , there were 25 , and _ now there are but two . He was a soldier in the civil war , a farmer In Iowa , a pioneer in Colorado , a miner , a rancher and a valued public official . He has borne the duties of citizenship with fidelity and courage however the lines of life have fallen for him and is justly entitled to the esteem and regard in which
he was held by nls felkw mer \ As soldier and pioneer he indured more than the common lot of experiences , and made more than the ordinary contribution to the advancement of clvlization . Samuel was an uncle of Mrs . O . G . Rhodes of Basalt and for many years lived In the Basalt community , having been one of the first to locate in the vallcy . In 1881 , he located the Gerbaz place at Emma and later the Samuel Letey place naer Basalt , at which place he and his family made their home until 1915 when they moved to Montrose . Those attending the funeral services from Basalt , which were held from the M . E . church In Montrose , on Sunday afternoon were Mr . and Mrs . O . G . Rhodes , E . H . Grey , Kmery D . Arbaney , Alex Arbaney of Carbonaale and Mr . and Mrs . Alfred Slosa of Sloss

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel page 11 - November 11, 1936
