No Cover Image
Birth Date: 1854
Death Date: February 13, 1902


Smith (maiden name) - 1882

Wife's first name not know.

unknow - 1897

Second wife's name nor maiden name known.


Eagle County Blade - February 13, 1902

Death of M. M. Davis . To the Salida Mail ot last week the _t following concerning the death of a gen _tkiiiiui who fur a number of years reBidr . d tit Minium : Milled ;;!} M . Davis , n _foiiner well known _rc-sidiMit of _Snliiln , died Sunday aflernuon in Denver whuro lio wus visitiiiK . llu had been in poor health for _fcoicral months past , so tlmt _ticuth was mil . entirely unoxpected . Mr . Davis was horn nmir Atlanta , Georgia , in 1851 . _Aftei tlm war his family moved to North Plulti _ . Nebraska , whoro bo worked as a machinist in thu railroad shops . Lalor ho was promoted to tlio position of foreman nt Mintnrn , but a few yours ago ho left that position and aeeeptoct a similar mm with Ilic Florence & Cripple Creek ruad , which ho held until failing health i : i ) _Uiji ( _llcil its rcliiiquislininiit . He was married in 3832 to a daughter . alJ . P . amith , Sr ., of this city . She ¦ Vied in 1 S 91 , leaving llvo children , of whom four make their homo with Mr . Smiths family , the eldest eon being employed in Deliver . In 1 S !) 7 Mr . Davis ivim married a second time , his wife and little child surviving him . Mr . Davis was a man i > _C unusual ubili ) in his line of work , .-mil his warm . _luiirtiid and generous disposition won ricmls for him everywhere . lie had iiany warm friends in Saliilu who will lecply regret his ( leniise .

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel page 1 - February 4, 1902
